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This Tool Helps You Better Understand Your Site’s Visitors This Tool Helps You Better Understand Your Site’s Visitors

Your online shop is where you show off the products and services you’ve worked on as an entrepreneur. Completing your site pages is a huge accomplishment. However, sometimes when you’ve worked on a project for a while, you and your team can develop tunnel vision about how a customer might view and use your site.

If your analytics say that you’re getting plenty of visitors, but those visitors aren’t returning or converting into sales, you’ll need to dig deep to figure out what’s going on. HumCommerce is a powerful suite of tools that shows you which sections of your site are working, and which ones need some work.

Visitor Session Recordings

HumCommerce creates visual recordings of every visitor’s session on your site. When you record these sessions, you can see exactly where your customer is moving their mouse. If they’re scrolling up and down a lot on your landing page, they may be looking for something they need that isn’t there. If they’re rapidly clicking around to different menus and pages, they might be confused about your site’s setup or how it works.


Heatmaps from HumCommerce will show you where your visitors’ mice hover when they’re on your page. Are they clicking on images that don’t link? Are they pausing over an item, but not adding it to their shopping cart? You can make changes to your online store that will help them find the information they need and get your products into their shopping carts.

A/B Testing

Color and layout have a huge effect on your site’s appeal and ease of navigation. HumCommerce helps you test out multiple version of your site, so you can make an educated decision about which one leads to more conversions and is worth keeping around.

E-Commerce Funnels

You can also set up E-Commerce funnels with HumCommerce. You’ll understand where your customers are dropping out: do they put products in their cart, but never check out? Are they glancing at your landing page and leaving? HumCommerce’s funnels will help you optimize each page of your site for more conversions and profits.

A one-year subscription to HumCommerce’s valuable tools usually costs $588, but you can take a peek at your customers’ experience right now for just $29.


via Entrepreneur May 4, 2019 at 03:34PM BruceDayne, Entrepreneur Store

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